Rise of the Gay Cinephiles

Formerly known as Horror. Cult. Trash. Other., Rise of the Gay Cinephiles is a queer film, TV & pop culture podcast that covers everything from what’s happening in Real Housewives to what’s newly released in cinemas. Every two weeks, you can expect hosts Chris and Gary to talk about their four favourite films they’ve been watching, two older films and two new releases, as well as talking about everything else they’ve been watching on TV and on the big screen alongside any other random things that may or may not lead to extensive tangents. Sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to two gay cinephiles talking about what they’ve been watching and various other hot topics!

Monday Sep 16, 2019
HCTO #2 - Who Run the World? Showgirls!
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, Gary and Chris discuss 90s cult classic trashterpiece, Showgirls. This is a movie directed by the same guy who made Robocop, Starship Troopers and Total Recall, it’s also a movie that’s absolutely nothing like any of the above. It includes awful dancing, so many unlikeable characters, conversations about eating dog food and a dolphin style sex scene. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
HCTO #3 - Feeders: The Ned Flanders Tapes
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, Gary and Chris discuss a requested film by the name of Feeders. It’s a bizarre 90s alien movie that was shot on video, looks like it’s being played from a worn out VHS tape and contains papier-mâché aliens, hilariously bad dialogue, an alien facial, three great moustaches and a random slay queen that’s only in the film to kill an alien. Feeders is available on Amazon Prime and we urge you to go check it out just to see how bad it really is! Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
HCTO #4 - 31 Days of Horror
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, Gary and Chris discuss something a little different! To start off a run of Halloween themed special episodes, this week’s episode focuses on their 31 Days of Horror watchlist including discussions about Get Out, Cannibal Holocaust, Grave Encounters, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Midsommar and The Omen to name a few. Just wanna give a shout out to the Movies So Bad They’re Good podcast and Facebook group for being awesome and supporting us by giving us a shoutout on their podcast and letting us post the show on their group! We will also give a shoutout on the show next week but for now go check them out! Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
HCTO #5 - Halloween Classics: The Fog
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week is the first of our Halloween Classics episodes that we will be releasing throughout October. First up, we have John Carpenter’s classic 80s ghost movie, The Fog. During the episode we discuss the incredible cast, amazing cinematography and soundtrack and the terrible fashion choices made by two of the characters. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors! NO COPYRIGHT BREACH INTENDED FOR THE INTRO TV SPOT. Go buy this movie on Blu Ray, DVD or digitally.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
HCTO #6 - Halloween Classics: Sleepaway Camp
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Welcome back to Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, we continue with our Halloween Classics episodes by talking about 80s slasher classic, Sleepaway Camp. During this episode, we discuss the bitchy icon that is Judy, the endlessly quotable dialogue, the great practical effects and the movie’s trans representation. NO COPYRIGHT BREACH INTENDED FOR THE INTRO TV SPOT. Go buy this movie on Blu Ray, DVD or digitally. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
HCTO #7 - Halloween Classics: Ghostwatch
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Welcome back to Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, we continue with our Halloween Classics episodes by talking about 90s TV movie Ghostwatch. During this episode, we discuss the insane story surrounding this movie, the influence it has had on modern horror cinema, the effective scares within the movie and of course, the glory hole. NO COPYRIGHT BREACH INTENDED FOR THE INTRO. Go buy this movie on DVD! Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
HCTO #8 - Halloween Classics: The Silence of the Lambs
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Welcome back to Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week, we conclude with our Halloween Classics episodes by talking about the Oscar winning masterpiece that is The Silence of the Lambs. During this episode, we discuss the phenomenal acting, editing and writing of this movie as well as how it works as horror film whilst not being a typical horror film. NO COPYRIGHT BREACH INTENDED FOR THE INTRO. Go buy this movie on DVD, Blu Ray or Digital Download! Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
HCTO #9 - Halloween Bonus Episode: Scream Queens Through the Decades
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Happy Halloween and welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast for a bonus episode! For this Halloween special episode, we discuss the subject of Scream Queens in horror movies and how they’ve evolved since the 1960s. Throughout the episode we discuss the likes of Barbara Steele, Jamie Lee Curtis, Linnea Quigley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Vera Farmiga to name a few. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
HCTO #10 - The Spice World is Not Enough
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week we discuss the 90s representation of British culture, Spice World: The Spice Girls Movie. During the episode we highlight their encounter with aliens, the scene in which they almost drown two kids, their discussions about mantarays and the scene in which Posh tells Ginger Spice to take her top off to help a child regain consciousness. This episode also includes a brief discussion about the films we watched at the FrightFest Halloween All Dayer. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
HCTO #11 - Xanadon't Stop the Music
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week we discuss the two movies that inspired the creation of the Razzies, Xanadu and Can’t Stop the Music. Throughout this episode we discuss how terrifying Olivia Newton John is in Xanadu, how The Village People are rarely in their own movie, the homoerotic YMCA sequence in Can’t Stop the Music and how messy and terrible both movies are.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!