Rise of the Gay Cinephiles

Formerly known as Horror. Cult. Trash. Other., Rise of the Gay Cinephiles is a queer film, TV & pop culture podcast that covers everything from what’s happening in Real Housewives to what’s newly released in cinemas. Every two weeks, you can expect hosts Chris and Gary to talk about their four favourite films they’ve been watching, two older films and two new releases, as well as talking about everything else they’ve been watching on TV and on the big screen alongside any other random things that may or may not lead to extensive tangents. Sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to two gay cinephiles talking about what they’ve been watching and various other hot topics!

Friday Feb 26, 2021
HCTO #101 - Original Vs. Remake - Carnival of Souls
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This is the latest of our Original Vs. Remake episodes that we release on the last Friday of each month. For this episode, we discuss horror masterpiece, Carnival of Souls, and its dire Wes Craven produced remake as well as our favourite and least favourite films of the month. Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links www.facebook.com/horrorculttrashother Twitter - @horrorculttrash Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
HCTO #102 - Final Destination Through the Years
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we talk about all of the movies (so far) in the Final Destination franchise. During this episode we discuss the most likeable and unlikeable characters in all 5 movies, the best death scenes and Tony Todd’s ability to pop up every now and then to tell the lead characters the plot of the movie.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Monday Mar 08, 2021
HCTO #103 - The Gates of Hell Trilogy
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week we discussing all things Lucio Fulci’s The Gates of Hell Trilogy including the phenomenal practical effects, the strange yet captivating plots and, of course, Bob from The House by the Cemetery’s bizarre English dub.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
HCTO #104 - Titanic II: The Iceberg Strikes Back
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we discussing all things Titanic II including the awful CGI, the many shots that are repeated over and over again, and the angry Tom Savini lookalike who steals every scene he’s in.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
HCTO #105 - Come on, Killer Barby, Let's Go Party (Ah-Ah-Ah Yeah!)
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we’re discussing all things Killer Barbys Vs. Dracula including Pepe’s random musical sequences, the huge audiences in a tiny Wild West park and Sylvia Superstar’s ability to slay the game as per.
Head back to episode 38 to hear us discuss the first movie, Vampire Killer Barbys!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Friday Mar 26, 2021
HCTO #106 - Original Vs. Remake - The Toolbox Murders
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This is the latest of our Original Vs. Remake episodes that we release on the last Friday of each month and we’re discussing 70s video nasty, The Toolbox Murders, and Tobe Hooper’s fantastic 2004 remake as well as our favourite and least favourite films of the month.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
HCTO #107 - BFI Flare London LGBTIQ+ Festival 2021 Coverage
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Welcome back to Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
Today we’re bringing you a bonus episode where we’re discussing all the films we watched at this year’s BFI Flare London LGBTIQ+ Festival! During the episode we discuss the likes of Cowboys, Firebird, Sweetheart, Mama Gloria, P.S. Burn This Letter Please and much more.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Monday Mar 29, 2021
HCTO #108 - ”GOD D*MN IT, ERIC!” (Feat. Xander)
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we’re joined by artist, musician, trash movie expert and our good friend, Xander to discuss all things creature feature trashterpiece, Aquanoids, including the awful camera work, the bizarre dialogue and the hilarious creature design.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Check Xander out on Instagram over at @xanderphobic and @xanderphobicart.
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
HCTO #109 - Monday Night Bores
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, to celebrate the upcoming Wrestlemania 37, we’re discussing all things Ready to Rumble including David Arquette’s awful performance, the many unfunny jokes and the very 2000 soundtrack.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
HCTO #110 - Night of the Farting Dead
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we’re discussing all things 80s cult horror trashterpiece, Spookies including the farting muck men, the impressive practical effects and the amazing line delivery by slay queen, Adrienne Ruth.
Spookies is being released on Blu Ray by 101 Films on April 26th and can be pre-ordered at 101-films-store.com
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!