Rise of the Gay Cinephiles

Formerly known as Horror. Cult. Trash. Other., Rise of the Gay Cinephiles is a queer film, TV & pop culture podcast that covers everything from what’s happening in Real Housewives to what’s newly released in cinemas. Every two weeks, you can expect hosts Chris and Gary to talk about their four favourite films they’ve been watching, two older films and two new releases, as well as talking about everything else they’ve been watching on TV and on the big screen alongside any other random things that may or may not lead to extensive tangents. Sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to two gay cinephiles talking about what they’ve been watching and various other hot topics!

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
HCTO #112 - The Stud, The Bitch and The Hobo
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we’re discussing all things The Stud and The Bitch, two sexploitation trashterpieces from the 70s featuring Joan Collins, lots of business discussions, disco dancing and a french parrot who screams at the camera.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Friday Apr 30, 2021
HCTO #113 - Original Vs. Remake Threesome - The Last House on the Left
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This is the latest of our Original Vs. Remake episodes that we release on the last Friday of each month and for this threesome special, we’re discussing Bergman’s masterpiece, The Virgin Spring, Craven’s 70s horror classic, The Last House on the Left and the surprisingly great 2009 remake of the same name as well as our favourite and least favourite films of the month.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday May 04, 2021
HCTO #114 - The Real Ewoks of Endor
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, as a May the 4th special episode, we’re discussing all things Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor, the two bizarre Ewoks spin-off films that feature Deej, a demonic looking Ewok, Cindel and Mace, two ridiculously annoying kids and Teek, a criminally underrated Star Wars icon.
Head back to episode 17 to hear us discuss the legendary Star Wars Holiday Special!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday May 11, 2021
HCTO #115 - Saw Through the Years Part I: Saw - Saw IV
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, we’re discussing all things the Saw franchise. In this first episode of a special two parter, we discuss the first four movies in this now iconic horror franchise!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday May 11, 2021
HCTO #116 - Saw Through the Years Part II: Saw V - Jigsaw
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, we’re discussing all things the Saw franchise. In this second episode of a special two parter, we discuss the (currently) final four movies in the franchise!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday May 18, 2021
HCTO #117 - Shirley Manson Rocks
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast! This week we’re discussing all things 90s cult classic, The Rage: Carrie 2 including Sue Snell’s forced return to just bother the lead character, the film’s undeserved bad reputation and we even provide some comparisons to American Pie and Grease.
Head back to episode 27 to listen to us discussing the original Carrie!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week we’re discussing Conjuring the Witch’s Doll and Curse of the Nun, two more awful rip-offs of movies from The Conjuring Universe!
Head back to episode 54 to listen to us discussing our first round of Conjuring rip-offs!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Friday May 28, 2021
HCTO #119 - Original Vs. Remake - Poltergeist
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This is the latest of our Original Vs. Remake episodes that we release on the last Friday of each month and we’re discussing 80s horror classic, Poltergeist and its awful 2015 remake as well as our favourite and least favourite new releases of the month.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Monday May 31, 2021
HCTO #120 - Pride Month - Bit (feat. Luke Poulton)
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week is the first of this year's Pride Month episodes where we’ll be discussing films with LGBTQ+ subtext, themes or even just cast & crew. To kick things off, we're joined by returning guest, comedian, trash film expert and our really good friend, Luke Poulton, to discuss Bit!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Monday Jun 07, 2021
HCTO #121 - Pride Month - Serial Mom (feat. Spilling Guts Podcast)
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week is the second of this year's Pride Month episodes where we’ll be discussing films with LGBTQ+ subtext, themes or even just cast & crew. This week, we're joined by the always hilarious and always entertaining horror huns from down the road, Spilling Guts Podcast, to discuss all things Serial Mom as well as many tangents on the likes of The Real Housewives, Jane McDonald, Sharon from Coronation Street, Drag Race and much more!
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!