Rise of the Gay Cinephiles

Formerly known as Horror. Cult. Trash. Other., Rise of the Gay Cinephiles is a queer film, TV & pop culture podcast that covers everything from what’s happening in Real Housewives to what’s newly released in cinemas. Every two weeks, you can expect hosts Chris and Gary to talk about their four favourite films they’ve been watching, two older films and two new releases, as well as talking about everything else they’ve been watching on TV and on the big screen alongside any other random things that may or may not lead to extensive tangents. Sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to two gay cinephiles talking about what they’ve been watching and various other hot topics!

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
HCTO #233 - Japanuary - House (1977)
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week is the first of this year's Japanuary episodes where we'll be discussing Japanese cult and/or horror films throughout January!
To kick things off, we're discussing Nobuhiko Ôbayashi's masterpiece, House (AKA Hausu), a super camp and super weird cult classic that features stunning visuals, amazing characters, odd slapstick humour and the greatest scene you'll ever see featuring a piano eating someone.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
HCTO #234 - Japanuary - Lady Snowblood Double Feature
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week is the second of this year's Japanuary episodes where we'll be discussing Japanese cult and/or horror films throughout January!
Next up, we're discussing a double feature of 70s action masterpiece, Lady Snowblood, the visually stunning, Meiko Kaji starring, cult classic that inspired Kill Bill, and Lady Snowblood 2: Love Song of Vengeance, a disappointing sequel that completely misunderstands what made its predecessor work so well.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Friday Jan 13, 2023
HCTO #235 - Bonus Episode - Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This is the latest of our Friday the 13th franchise bonus episodes which we’ll be releasing every time there’s a Friday the 13th.
During this episode we discuss all the things Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives including the ahead of its time meta humour that played a part in influencing Scream, the inventive kills, and the sexual tension between Tommy and Sheriff Garris.
To hear us discussing the previous films in the franchise, head back to episodes 16, 32, 82, 133, and 187.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
HCTO #236 - Japanuary - Kaiju Trashterpiece Double Feature
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, we bring you the third of this year's Japanuary episodes where we're discussing Japanese cult and/or horror films throughout January!
Next up, we're discussing a double feature of trashy Godzilla meta sequel, All Monsters Attack, the one where a kid forces himself to sleep all the time so he can dream about his favourite Kaiju so he doesn't have to face the reality of having neglectful parents, and Gamera: Super Monster, a high camp, stock footage-filled trashterpiece that is definitely super queer.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
HCTO #237 - Japanuary - Battle Royale
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, we bring you the fourth of this year's Japanuary episodes where we're discussing Japanese cult and/or horror films throughout January!
Next up, we're discussing cult classic, Battle Royale, Kinji Fukasaku's masterpiece that features well written characters, perfect execution of a great premise and plenty of thought provoking social commentary that doesn't feel too out of place in 2023.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Friday Jan 27, 2023
HCTO #238 - Original Vs. Remake - Ringu
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This is the latest of our Original Vs. Remake episodes that we release on the last Friday of each month and, for a Japanuary special, we’re discussing 90s horror classic, Ringu and its fantastic 2002 remake, The Ring, as well as our favourite and least favourite new releases of the month.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
HCTO #239 - Japanuary - Perfect Blue
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, we bring you the final of this year's Japanuary episodes where we have been discussing Japanese cult and/or horror films throughout January!
Next up, we're discussing anime masterpiece, Perfect Blue, a surreal cult film that features thought provoking themes, unforgettable visuals and a striking resemblance to Mulholland Drive and Black Swan.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
HCTO #240 - Valentines Special - Crimes of Passion
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, for a Valentines special, we’re discussing all things 80s erotic thriller, Crimes of Passion including its interesting social commentary, Kathleen Turner's iconic performance and, of course, Anthony Perkins' killer vibrator that goes by the name, Superman.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
HCTO #241 - Valentines Special - Basic Instinct 2
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, for another Valentines special, we’re discussing all things trashy 2000s sequel, Basic Instinct 2 including its dull and boring characters, the many uses of the word cum, and of course, Sharon Stone being the best thing about the film.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
HCTO #242 - Women in Horror - The Oracle
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Welcome back to the Horror. Cult. Trash. Other. Podcast!
This week, for a Women in Horror special, we’re discussing all things Roberta Findlay's underrated 80s supernatural flick, The Oracle including its many moustaches, the fantastic practical effects and how our lead character turns into a full on detective as soon as she starts wearing a beret.
Email us at horror.cult.trash.other@gmail.com and check us out on Social Media at the following links
Twitter - @horrorculttrash
Instagram - @horror.cult.trash.other
Theme song is Stick Around by Gary’s old band, One Week Stand. Check them out on Spotify, iTunes and many other digital distributors!